Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Dreams And Ladders 

This is my final project for time class. 

We were supposed to make anything that is non linear time, that means that the time should not be moving forward in the usual manner. 

So for my video my concept came from the board game snakes and ladders.

I am the inventor or the game snakes and ladders and I have been getting cues in the dream on how to make this game. 
So every time I sleep I get a clue on what format the game has to take. But each dream as you see ends with a snake's hiss. That signifies that every time I am trying to go forward with my dream I get bit by a snake and I am taken back to reality. 
So in this video the dreams are in the green effect and the coloured drawings are the reality. 

The last dream where you see only blurry surroundings is the dream where I don't get any clue but the only thing clear this time is the snake. So the last part to the game is the snakes which perform the same role in the game as they do in my dream.

The non linear part is the combination of dream being reality and reality being just a means of documentation. And the dream segments are always interrupted with reality unlike linear time that does not stop for anyone.

At the last I type that the game is done, and I can sleep. But suddenly you see I delete that and write wake up, that is the last climax where I explain that what you saw was actually all just one single dream and there wasn't any reality as such, but in my mind the whole process what documented. 

I have made it very literal, but in my critique people who din't know what snakes and ladders the game is were a little confused. Rest I was complimented on my editing, everyone seemed to have liked the grid video and the filters I used. 

This has been a great great journey so far, I have learned a lot in this class. And truly thank my professor for every bit of that. This is going to be great help in my future and education at Parsons.

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